June 23, 2017

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The University of Liverpool is seeking dog owner volunteers for a study on the effect of different sized portions on the food intake of pet dogs. The experiment takes place over three sessions in the owner’s home. Each session will take place at least three days apart and at the dog’s normal meal time when…

June 5, 2017

Becky Dog Training at Tails In The City Liverpool

Are you doggy literate? A report published in last month’s edition of Royal Society Open Science suggests that humans are pretty good at deciphering dog growls. In recent years, there has been a lot of research into how well dogs understand humans but a recent study conducted by scientists at Eotvos Lorand University in Hungary…

September 9, 2015

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If you’re heading for the Liverpool Food and Drink Festival at Sefton Park this weekend, don’t let your dog miss out on some fun too! Apparently there were a few too many sausages stolen last year so the organisers can’t allow your furry friends to accompany you (actually it’s due to hygiene reasons).  And of…